15 Best Free WordPress Themes

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Blogging or web designing becomes very much easier after the creation of content management system (CMS). There are so many content management systems are available, out of which WordPress is one of the best CMS. WordPress is so much popular due to its user friendly features and functionalities. One who does not know about coding and programming can also make their own blog or website with the help of this CMS with ease. The additional feature of WordPress is that there are a lot of free WordPress themes available on the internet through which you can design your blog according to your choice. These days, free WordPress themes are in trend and everyone using Best free WordPress themes for their blogs. There are a numerous websites which provide the best WordPress themes of different styles and designs.

Best Free WordPress Themes

Types of Free WordPress Themes

There are a numerous types of free WordPress themes available on the internet. Some websites also provide the premium version of these free WordPress themes which is very much beneficial in case of upgrading the theme in future. Here we are giving the types of free WordPress themes which are commonly used these days.

Magazine Themes

Magazine themes are especially used by those bloggers who want to make their web portal like a magazine. These types of WordPress themes are easily available on the internet at free of cost.


  • It helps in designing a magazine portal in a better way.
  • You can easily align images and texts by using magazine themes.

Polar Media

Polar Media - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Hiero - Best Free WordPress Themes

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WallPress - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Nexus - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Magazine - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Flat News

Flat News - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Double Header Themes

The demand of double header themes is very much higher these days. Double header themes are also known as double menus themes.


  • You can easily set your pages and categories separately in your website or blog.
  • It gives an attractive and clear look to your blog.

Slider Compatible Themes

Slider compatible themes are widely searched and used by the bloggers. Bloggers love to use automatic slider compatible themes very much.


  • It makes your blog attractive and awesome.
  • You can easily set your images to be displayed on the slider one by one.


Tiger - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Cesar - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Hayden - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Portfolio Themes

One who wants to make their own portfolio through a blog desperately needed the portfolio themes. You need not to do any coding in these themes and can easily set the images to be appearing on your portfolio.


  • Portfolio themes can be used by both professional and personal purposes.
  • One can easily design their own portfolio without spending a single amount through these free portfolio themes.


GRID STYLE - Best Free WordPress Theme

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Xenon - Best Free WordPress Theme

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Importance of Free WordPress Themes

Free WordPress themes give you the freedom of trying a lot of themes for your blog. You need not to worry about the charge as these WordPress themes are totally free. Free WordPress themes are very much beneficial for beginners as they do not have so much money to invest in their blogs. These free WordPress themes are also beneficial for both professional and experienced bloggers as they can change the theme of their blog at any time. You just need to search free WordPress themes on the internet and there are so many websites comes with a lot of best free WordPress themes. You need to download your favourite theme and upload it to your WordPress blog and then activate that theme.


Asenwa - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Kryptonation - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Clippy - Best Free WordPress Themes

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BresponZive - Best Free WordPress Themes

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Benefits of Free WordPress Themes

There are a numerous of the benefits of free WordPress themes, out of which we are here describing some major benefits of free WordPress themes.

  • One can change the whole design and style of their blog without paying a single amount to anyone with the help of these free WordPress themes.
  • Free WordPress themes are easily downloadable and available on the internet.
  • The size of free WordPress themes is not too much as compared to premium WordPress themes.


Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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