20 Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas

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As yummy as oranges can be to consume, their after uses can also be as fruitful as you could imagine. Well, from now on – all we are saying is do not throw away your peeled orange’s skin, nor should you throw the peel of the orange. Wondering what you will do with them then? Leave them to dry for a few days in the open, and then use those as materials for your very own DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas… Yes, you have read it right! DIY ideas, that too for garlands that are made out of orange… Here we present some Best Crafts For Teens. You can try out-

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas

DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas


Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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This would be the very first idea that we would think of when it DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas…Now you may feel that wreath and garlands are two different things.. But, well look closely, the wreath is always just an extension of garlands… So, take those dried oranges, combine them with the wreath leaves and you are sorted.

Christmasy Feels

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Who said you cannot add dried organs to your Christmas decorations? You can have multiple orange peel decors if you are looking at something colorful, apart from those general red and white decoration ideas of Christmas. From having them on the tree to having them with your string lights, DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas have no boundaries.

For Your Main Door

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Want to keep it simple? Well, then why are you overlooking your main door. Have the dried orange cut into round shapes, out them on a thick string and you’re actually just done with your very own DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas that can happily be hung up on the main door. You can include string lights within this garland you made, and then switch it on to see how it lights up the entrance. If you have an artistic curve to your ideas and also, determination to fill your place with more and more creative concepts. One such concept is of using plastic spoons for artwork and home decor, here are DIY PLASTIC SPOON CRAFT IDEAS. Have a look-

Windchimes On The Go

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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If you are in the mood to go all creative, then why not have windchimes made out of dried oranges? For this, you will have to ensure your oranges are completely dried up – because when you will use them for windchimes, you will need to ensure that they are hard enough to not break with the wind. Now, for the chimes, use metal in between the oranges, put them in strings and you are all set to have colorful and customized windchimes hanging in your window.

Mantel Holiday Garland

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Have those bells, small mantels and some pine cones handy along with dried orange for this really interesting dried orange garland idea. You just need to combine all of these materials together, in the order, you would like to have them. Have the materials stocked up on a strong string, that will be able to take the weight, and guess, you are sorted to have a really creative garland ready. The best part? They can be hung up anywhere.

One With The Beads

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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If you don’t have a lot of materials to make garlands and have just dried oranges at your disposal, then don’t lose hope… You just need those beautiful white beads with dried orange and you are sorted to make your own garland. Take a wired string, put in beads, add dried orange pieces cut in different shapes and make a full garland out of just these. Also, take a look at these amazing DIY Paper Weight Art Pieces.

Combine With Lemons

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Well, there are times when oranges and lemons look quite similar to us, and why not combine this familiarity to come up with a super cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas with a dash of lemons? Well, go creative as use the quantities as per your preferences – you can use dried lemons for this purpose and the garland will last long!

Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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Super Cool DIY Dried Orange Garland Ideas
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So, start saving up on all those organs you eat. Reap the benefits while eating and also after eating. Here we have some beautiful DIY Greeting Card Ideas. Get going and let us know in the comments how cool they looked.

Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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