Holding in Your Sneezes Can Do Some Serious Damage To Your Body

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It is generally not advisable to stifle a sneeze. While it may seem harmless, doing so can sometimes lead to unintended health risks. In some cases, suppressing a sneeze has been linked to minor issues such as ruptured blood vessels in the eyes or nose. More severe complications, although rare, may include a ruptured eardrum, fractures, throat injuries, or even the rupture of a brain aneurysm. However, experts emphasize that the likelihood of experiencing severe effects from holding in a sneeze is quite low.

According to Dr. Erich Voigt, an ear, nose, and throat specialist at NYU Langone Health, holding in a sneeze is a common occurrence in certain social situations, such as during meetings or in public places. The actual risk associated with this habit, he notes, remains minimal.

Sneezing serves an important function in clearing irritants, allergens, and germs from the body. Allowing a sneeze to happen naturally is the best option, provided proper etiquette is followed—covering the mouth and nose with a tissue or the elbow to prevent the spread of germs. Below is a closer look at potential consequences that might arise from stifling a sneeze.

Potential Consequences of Suppressing a Sneeze

1. Broken Blood Vessels in the Eyes or Nose

The pressure that builds up when a sneeze is suppressed may cause small blood vessels in the eyes or nasal passages to burst. This can lead to visible redness in the eyes, known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, or minor nosebleeds. While these effects are typically temporary and not dangerous, they can be uncomfortable or alarming.

2. Risk of Ear Infections

Sneezing is one way the body expels irritants like dust, germs, and allergens. The Eustachian tube, which connects the nasal cavity to the middle ear, can be affected when a sneeze is blocked. Instead of being expelled, irritants may be pushed deeper into the ear, increasing the risk of infections. Ear infections can cause symptoms such as pain, pressure, and even hearing disturbances. While many infections resolve on their own, some may lead to complications if left untreated.

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3. Fractures Due to Internal Pressure

Although uncommon, the force redirected into the body when a sneeze is suppressed may, in extreme cases, result in fractures. Dr. Christopher Chang, an otolaryngologist, compares the body’s resilience to that of a soccer ball—it can absorb a great deal of pressure, but excessive force could cause structural damage. If enough pressure is generated, certain vulnerable areas, such as the ribs, could be at risk of injury.

The distribution of pressure varies depending on how a sneeze is held in. For instance, closing the throat while stifling a sneeze directs pressure towards the chest, potentially increasing the likelihood of rib fractures. If the nose is pinched shut instead, pressure might be forced into the sinuses or ears.

4. Rupturing a Brain Aneurysm

A stifled sneeze, sometimes referred to as a “closed-airway sneeze,” can significantly increase internal pressure. This could be particularly dangerous for individuals with undiagnosed brain aneurysms—weak spots in the walls of blood vessels in the brain. A sudden increase in pressure might cause an aneurysm to rupture, leading to a medical emergency. Though rare, such an event could have serious or even fatal consequences.

5. Eardrum Perforation

The pressure that builds up when a sneeze is blocked must go somewhere, and in some cases, it can travel through the Eustachian tube to the middle ear. This sudden shift in pressure can lead to a ruptured eardrum, which may result in hearing loss, chronic infections, dizziness, or vertigo. While many eardrum perforations heal on their own, complications can arise if the condition is not properly managed.

6. Subcutaneous Emphysema

A condition known as subcutaneous emphysema occurs when air becomes trapped beneath the skin, leading to noticeable swelling. Pressing on the affected area may produce a crackling sensation. Typically, this condition is caused by facial trauma or forceful coughing. However, at least one case has been reported in which subcutaneous emphysema developed in a person’s cheek following a suppressed sneeze. This suggests that excessive internal pressure, even from a common bodily function, can sometimes have unexpected consequences.

7. Throat or Neck Injuries

Some individuals have reported experiencing severe throat or neck pain after holding in a sneeze. A documented case involved a man who experienced an inability to speak or swallow after forcefully suppressing a sneeze. Medical examination revealed a rupture in his pharynx, an injury that required immediate medical attention. While such incidents are uncommon, they highlight the potential risks involved in resisting a sneeze.

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Could Holding in a Sneeze Be Fatal?

Although the possibility of life-threatening complications from stifling a sneeze is extremely low, it is not impossible. The rarity of such cases makes it difficult to gather enough data for large-scale studies. Instead, medical literature mostly consists of isolated case reports describing individual experiences. Dr. Voigt emphasizes that the risk is exceedingly small—perhaps less than one in a million.

Certain pre-existing conditions, such as structural weaknesses in the skull base or lung lining, could make some individuals more susceptible to complications from a suppressed sneeze. However, these conditions are often undiagnosed until an incident occurs.

Safer Alternatives to Suppressing a Sneeze

Rather than forcibly holding in a sneeze, there are alternative methods to reduce the likelihood of sneezing in certain situations. Simple actions such as rubbing the nose, lightly pressing against the bridge of the nose, or tickling the roof of the mouth with the tongue may help prevent a sneeze naturally. However, experts agree that allowing a sneeze to happen is the safest course of action.

Dr. Chang advises against intentionally suppressing a sneeze, as doing so carries a risk, however small. He points out that sneezing naturally does not pose any known dangers.

Ways to Reduce the Urge to Sneeze

  • Avoid exposure to air pollution and dry air
  • Limit contact with allergens like dust, pollen, and pet dander
  • Reduce the intake of spicy foods
  • Minimize use of nasal sprays
  • Wear sunglasses or avoid bright lights if photic sneezing is an issue
  • Manage allergies with appropriate medications or lifestyle changes

Why Sneezing Is Beneficial

Sneezing is the body’s natural mechanism for clearing nasal passages of irritants, germs, and allergens. It serves as a protective reflex, helping to maintain respiratory health. If sneezing becomes frequent or excessive, it may indicate an underlying allergy or infection. In such cases, medical evaluation may be necessary to address the root cause.

Final Thoughts

Although complications from holding in a sneeze are rare, they do exist. The risks range from mild discomfort, such as burst blood vessels, to more serious concerns like infections, fractures, or in extremely rare cases, aneurysm rupture. Allowing a sneeze to occur naturally is the safest option. When sneezing, it is best to use a tissue or the crook of the elbow to prevent the spread of germs. Preventative measures, such as managing allergies and avoiding known triggers, can also help reduce unnecessary sneezing episodes.

Joseph Brown
Joseph Brown

Joseph Brown is a science writer with a passion for the peculiar and extraordinary. At FreeJupiter.com, he delves into the strange side of science and news, unearthing stories that ignite curiosity. Whether exploring cutting-edge discoveries or the odd quirks of our universe, Joseph brings a fresh perspective that makes even the most complex topics accessible and intriguing.

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