How to Paint Reflective Surfaces: Top Ten Tips

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Shiny and reflective surfaces are pretty tough to paint, but there are always tricks and tips to get going. As much fun as it sounds, it takes quite a lot of patience and time to paint them. One fact still being, treating the reflective surfaces as any other object, helps. These objects are not too different than just playing out the contrasts and the white balance on the paints. You must also know where the light is coming from, in your painting, as it helps in giving the reflection to the object. We have top ten tips with which you can master the art of How To Paint Reflective Surfaces.


Here we have collected the Superfine MODERN SURREALISM ART AND PAINTING IDEAS that are imaginations of artists and of course, of ours.

How to Paint Reflective Surfaces

Do not keep it artistic, go a little into chemistry:


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The question still remains as to How To Paint Reflective Surfaces; more than the ideas. Now that we need tips on the same, the best way is to replace your normal acrylic paints with zinc oil paints. Your Titanium acrylics will do more damage, than good to the painting that needs to look more like a 3D reflective painting. Zinc oil paints hold still to these surfaces, irrespective. So, number one goes as – Change your titanium background paints to zinc oil paints.

Freehand painting on these surfaces seldom work:


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Freehand painting is risky when we are talking about the reflective surfaces. For the reflective surfaces, there is no way you can go free hand; without the basic geometry. Drawing the geometry, the measurement, and the grouping is as important as anything else. So always make sure you do not skip this part of how to paint reflective surfacesIf you are a beginner in this wonderful field of painting, worry not for inspirations; we have collected some amazing STEP BY STEP WATERCOLOUR PAINTING TUTORIALS FOR BEGINNERS.

Never, Ever go with the white shades first:


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NO, of course, we know how tempting it is to start with the shiniest surfaces first.; but never do that. You’ll never get what you wanted if you start with the brightest side of the picture first. Start with the darkest of the sides first, and then slowly move toward the normal side. The shiny surfaces are another struggles to paint, altogether. When you start with the dark sides, you get a clearer picture of what you are up to and how the composition must change likewise.

Decide the size of  brush and the source of the light:


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Which side are you thinking of having the source of the light?- Must be your first question even before asking how to paint reflective surfaces. The source of light will determine which side of the painting will be illuminated and shinier than the rest of the picture. The size of the brush to needs to be really minimum for painting the white contrast.

Never PAINT in real, when you are painting the shiny coatings:


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OF COURSE, YOU SHOULD NOT PAINT THEM. You should always dab the paint on the surface. If you actually paint them with brushes, there’s always a possibility of giving it a surreal and unrealistic touch, and always a possibility of painting tad too much than needed. SO to be sure that you don’t overdo and understand how to paint reflective surfaces perfectly, especially the most delicate parts – Dab them with cotton or so.

It’s all a magic of white contrasts:


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White contrast is what determines how professional your reflective surfaces will look like. You need to decide what the whites will be like – Too dark at places, a little white or too bright to even call it white. All of these will depend on your judgment of what the picture must look like. To boost you with that inspiration we have compiled best EASY WATERCOLOR PAINTING IDEAS, which we’re sure you haven’t seen before.


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You are the master of whatever you want to create, and so- You have to be very specific with the painting. Again, all a play of the imagination and the white contrasts. Once you get hold of the basics, you are great to go ahead. You may also like these SIMPLE AND EASY LIGHTHOUSE PAINTING IDEAS For Beginners to creatively spice up the art.

Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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