40 Simple and Easy Doodle Art Ideas to Try

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Gone are those days when doodling was only for the kids. Today, be it a boring lecture or a long meeting, doodle is the way to silent entertainment. You might have been pulled up in school, for doodling on the last page of your exercise book and not paying attention to what the school teacher was saying in class. Nevertheless, doodling is not a bad thing, no matter what. It can actually help you to draw things better. If you want to touch your artistic side, these simple and easy doodle art ideas to try might be just the thing…


Your next creation may even be frame worthy and find a place in your home. It could be the perfect piece for decorating a kids play area or a personalized gift. Are you a big fan of superheroes? Take inspiration from this article featuring superhero fan art ideas by imaginative illustrators and create a fabulous master piece. ENJOY!

Simple and Easy Doodle Art Ideas

Doodling – A Definition


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Oxford dictionary offers rather an unsatisfactory definition of doodling – “to scribble absentmindedly” but TED Talk defines doodling as “to make spontaneous marks to help yourself think”. Doodling uses most of the sensory skills like visual, auditory, reading or writing as well as kinesthetic and actually helps you to retain information better.

Shapes from Geometry


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Easy enough to draw, you can start with the most basic shapes, like circles, hearts, squares, rectangles, cubes, pyramids, and so on. No matter what your artistic level, geometric shapes make a good doodle subject. You can try your hand at a combination of shapes or just one shape in different ways. Different combinations can actually lead to mazes or intricate sculptural drawings. Isn’t that one of the most simple and easy doodle art ideas to try?

A Combination of Lines and Marks


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If you happen to have different pens and pencils, you can experiment with different strokes of the pen or pencil. Let your imagination free and dream up some unique shapes and forms for your doodle. You can use hatching and cross-hatching to make a nice drawing, maybe of a person.

Start with a Simple Outline


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Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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